How adrenaline affects people

At the time of production of a high dose of adrenaline, the body is able to work at its limits. But is it necessary in sports? Is there an effect of increased adrenaline in the blood during training?

It has long been known that the adrenal glands are responsible for the release of adrenaline into the blood. This happens at a time when a person finds himself in a stressful situation, and the main emotions contributing to his release are fear and anger.

If a large amount of this hormone enters the blood, the body begins to work in the beyond mode. Also, simultaneously with adrenaline, an active release of a large number of other hormones begins, among which cortisol and growth hormone can be distinguished. The course on muscle mass!

The effect of adrenaline on the body

At the time of adrenaline release into the blood, blood pressure rises, pulse increases, and tissues begin to strongly absorb oxygen. In addition, brain activity increases and a person can quickly make an important decision in a stressful situation. Undoubtedly, this feeling is impossible to forget. Everyone who has at least once experienced increased adrenaline and, feeling the euphoria associated with this process, try to experience these emotions again. Although it is necessary to recognize that such sensations, though almost everything was tested in small doses. Suffice it to recall type rides “roller coaster”. It is for this reason that they are so popular.

Among all the changes that occur in the body at the time of adrenaline release, the following can be noted:

  • The nervous system is mobilized;
  • In order to avoid blood loss, small capillaries are narrowed;
  • The heart rate increases;
  • Increases the consumption of fats for extra energy;
  • Increases the ability of blood to clot.

As can be seen from all of the above, adrenaline is in many ways a protective hormone. In a stressful situation, it is indispensable. However, the fact that this hormone is able to accelerate the breakdown of fats raised certain questions for athletes.

Adrenaline and sport

Most experts believe that people involved in sports, is quite enough of the hormone that is released naturally. The development of adrenaline occurs in the body constantly, and the so-called “sports rage” can increase this process. Almost every person in his childhood was engaged in any kind of sport and is familiar with this concept firsthand. Also familiar and feelings associated with it. During competitions and less frequently in training, it is easy enough to understand that adrenaline is elevated.

At the same time, one cannot say that a hormone can contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of studies. It does not make much sense to cause a rush of substance. Those who want, for example, to quickly build muscle mass, do not resort to an increase in the hormone in the blood by artificial means. For this, there are special drugs that can help with this much more effectively. Thus, we can say that adrenaline and exercise are connected only at the level of consciousness. At that moment when the athlete is “angry” and adrenaline rush occurs.

Adrenaline and proper nutrition

There is no direct dependence here, and all of the following will be interesting to athletes. During training, they experience a surge of hormone. This process cannot be controlled, however, with a high content of adrenaline in the blood, metabolism is accelerated, which leads to a large expenditure of energy.

You can replenish its reserves with the help of food and right now it is worth mentioning the concept of “carbohydrate window”. Under it you need to understand some hormonal background that occurs during intense workouts and is accompanied by the release of adrenaline. After all, the process of secretion of this hormone at the time of strong physical exertion also increases.

This is due to the fact that when a person begins to work “for failure”, the body perceives such loads as a threat and begins to produce more “stress hormone”. After this, the metabolism is changed, the defense mechanisms are connected to work and the whole biochemistry of the body is changed. Usually, this condition occurs after 30 or 40 minutes from the moment of the start of an active workout and then lasts about one more hour from the moment of its completion.

During this period, the body consumes not only a lot of fat, but also carbohydrates. During the first hour after completion of the workout, all food taken in is consumed only to restore muscle tissue, which causes its growth. In addition, each subsequent workout is becoming more effective when burning fat. It is very important to eat food after exercise and thereby reduce the effect of stress hormones on the body. Otherwise, the process of recovery of muscle tissue will slow down, and the effectiveness of training will fall sharply.

It is desirable to take food rich in carbohydrates. It promotes the release of insulin, which reduces the effects of adrenaline and cortisol. Also, thanks to insulin, excess glucose is transferred to new “reserves”, but not in the form of fat, but glycogen. Thus, there is a build-up of muscles, and the body leaves the post-training stress state. A growth hormone.

What benefit or harm to the body can bring adrenaline

As mentioned above, adrenaline is primarily intended to prepare the body to withstand stressful situations. Thanks to him, people become more active, brain and nervous activity is stimulated, the number of leukocytes and platelets increases in the blood. In general, a large number of changes occur in the body. However, adrenaline can be harmful.

First, increased pressure negatively affects the heart. If the amount of adrenaline in the blood rises frequently, then this may be one of the causes of arrhythmia.

Secondly, adrenaline is a very strong substance and it is quite difficult for the body to withstand the load it receives at that moment. To reduce it stands out norepinephrine, which subsequently has the opposite effect. When the action of adrenaline passes, then norepinephrine still continues to be in the blood and there comes a state of emptiness and relaxation. The longer a person is in an excited state, the longer will be his “lethargy”.

Third, and most importantly, with prolonged exposure to adrenaline, the adrenal gland is depleted. This is a very dangerous process. In medicine, there is even a special term for it – acute adrenal insufficiency. The consequences of this condition can be very sad.

Thus, at a high level of the hormone, it is desirable to lower it.

Adrenaline and thrill

About the euphoria that occurs at the time of release of a large amount of the hormone is known to many. People involved in extreme sports experience this condition often. The term “adrenal dependence” is sometimes used in medicine. It is almost impossible to forget such feelings, and some are beginning to look for an opportunity to experience them again. They often face the question of how to increase adrenaline at home?

Of course, the most effective are extreme sports. Take a chance, for example, to jump with a parachute, and the flow of pure adrenaline is guaranteed. There are also special medications, but their task is completely different.
